Land Degradation
Sustainable Development Goals
15.1 By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and
Above ground carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: The above-ground carbon (AGC) is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of carbon per km2 . It corresponds to the carbon fraction of the oven-dry weight of the woody parts (stem, bark…
Below ground carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: The belowground biomass carbon (BBC) is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of carbon per km2 . It represents an estimation of the carbon stored in the roots of all living trees.…
Land Degradation
Habitats and EcosystemsHumans need increasing amounts of plant biomass for producing food, fodder, fiber and energy. Being able to meet these demands in the long term requires a sustainable use of land and vegetation…
Soil organic carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: Amount of carbon stored in the soil (0 to 30 cm depth), expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) per km2. Area of interest: The SOCI has been calculated at the country level, terrestrial…
Total carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: Amount of carbon stored in the soil (0 to 30 cm depth), expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) per km2 . Area of interest The SOCI has been calculated at the country level and for all…
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