Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT-4) Guide (2020)
The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
First published in 2002, the METT was one of the first tools developed to reflect the IUCN WCPA Framework for protected area management effectiveness (or PAME). The METT was originally developed by the World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use. Several versions of the METT and many adaptations have been produced, reflecting lessons learned through implementation; by 2016 the METT had been applied in 127 countries worldwide.
In 2020 a new version of the METT (the fourth version, METT-4) was developed. METT-4 draws together the lessons learned from applying the tool around the world. For the first time, METT-4 is presented as an Excel tool which aids implementation and compilation of results. More information and resources on METT-4 are available in the METT tab on the Protected Planet website (see link below).
Citation: Stolton, S., Hockings, M., Dudley, N. (2020). Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool. Reporting Progress at Protected Area Sites: Fourth Edition. Excel Workbook and Guidance. Available online: