Liberia NBSAP (2017-2025)

Liberia NBSAP (2017-2025)

One of the four existential threats humankind faces today is the loss of biological diversity. The others are climate change, food insecurity and poverty. Biodiversity, most simply stated, is life on Earth, the wealth of ecosystems, species and ecological processes that make up our living planet. It is humankind‘s living natural resource base, our biological capital in the global bank. Managing biodiversity sustainably is critical to the survival of humanity and thus needs to be given the utmost serious consideration by all actors. As is true globally, an unexampled rate of extinction of marine and terrestrial animal and plant species is plaguing Liberia‘s biological resource base. It now approaches a crisis proportion that requires urgent and concrete actions for mitigation. This crisis is impelled, almost invariably, by the direct and indirect threats of agro-industrial plantations of rubber, recently oil palm that are replacing the natural forests, giant logging concessions and related contracts, mining, unsustainable and destructive extraction and collection of firewood, charcoal production, shifting cultivation, uncontrolled hunting and fishing practices, ineffective community-based forest management and strategy, invasive alien plant species, , the lack of a national land use policy and strategy, climate change, poverty, the extreme lack of knowledge about ecosystem values, the lack of recognition and employment of local knowledge systems in natural resource governance and management and the lack of a national energy policy and strategy. The United Nations Convention on Biodiversity is the instrument for ensuring the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable utilization of its resources, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits accruing from the use of these resources. Chapter II and Article 7of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, the National Environment Policy, and sectoral programmes, plans and policies are in agreement with the purpose of the Convention and Liberia has revised her National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan in keen adherence to the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020 which was adopted in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010.At such the Revised NBSAP largely mirrors and details the vision and strategy for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and a ten-year action plan (2015-2025) for conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity in Liberia. Preparation of the plan commenced in 2012 by the National Biodiversity Coordinating Section of the Division of Multilateral Environmental Agreements at the EPA, the lead Agency for environmental sustainability in Liberia. The document is a result of a Country Study that takes into account the political and socio-economic contexts that influence biodiversity management. It provides a summary of key issues, constraints and opportunities identified during the stocktaking and inventory phases of the Study. It further defines the strategic objectives, actions, outputs and indicators needed to achieve the overarching goals of communicating informed decisions about the implementation of the Convention nationally. The strategy identifies three key components to ensure effective implementation, one of which is Financial and Resource Mobilization Plan (FRMP). The FRMP provides a framework for sources of funds to implement programs and activities proposed in the Strategy, as well as the indicative budget required to implement the Revised NBSAP. The other implementation plans include Capacity and Technology Needs Assessment and Communication Strategy, which address, respectively, what capacity is required to implement the Strategy, and how effectively the Revised Strategy needs to be communicated to ensure participation of all stakeholders.



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