Above-ground biomass stock in forest (tonnes per hectare)
Ecosystem functioning and servicesChanges in the above-ground biomass stock in forest indicate the balance between gains in biomass stock due to forest growth and losses due to wood removals, natural losses, fire, wind, pests and…

Above ground carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: The above-ground carbon (AGC) is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of carbon per km2 . It corresponds to the carbon fraction of the oven-dry weight of the woody parts (stem, bark…

Adaptation capacity index (lack of)
Habitats and EcosystemsAdaptation capacity This is a composite indicators of the capacity of responding and adapting to the crisis derived from indicators of poverty, food security, governance, communication and physical…

African development corridors and their impact on PAs
Human Impact and PressuresThe African Development Corridors is the first comprehensive database of 79 ongoing and planned investment corridors across Africa, synthesizing data from multiple sources covering 184 projects on…

Agricultural Pressure Indicator (API)
Human Impact and PressuresHow much potential impact may agriculture land use in a protected area have on the habitats, species and ecological processes therein? By identifying protected areas with low pressure from…

Average protection of Key Biodiversity Areas
ConservationIn which countries are the sites that most contribute to global biodiversity persistence located and how well are these sites covered by protected areas in each country? Safeguarding the Key…

Below ground carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: The belowground biomass carbon (BBC) is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of carbon per km2 . It represents an estimation of the carbon stored in the roots of all living trees.…

Biodiversity important areas index
ConservationIndex of biodiversity importance based on Key Biodiversity Areas coverage and species richness from IUCN Red List. It can be used as proxy of biodiversity exposure in risk and vulnerability analysis…

Carbon Storage in Mangrove Forests
Ecosystem functioning and servicesMangroves provide both climate change mitigation and adaptation services. They provide benefits for coastal communities and they are among the most effective carbon-capture ecosystems. If they are…

Change in Population Pressure Indicator (CPPI)
Human Impact and PressuresHow much potential impact may humans living in a protected area have on that protected area and on the habitats, species and ecological processes therein? How much of this potential impact is due to…

Changing in Mangrove Protection
ConservationMangroves forests are a crucial coastal ecosystem in tropics and subtropics countries. They provide a lot of environmental and socio-economic services and they are the main strategy for the…

Cold-Water Corals Extent
Marine and CoastalThe dataset shows the country's extent of Cold-water Corals for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The original dataset and statistics are provided by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre…

Cold-Water Corals Protection
Marine and CoastalThe dataset shows the country's protection percentage of Cold-water Corals for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The original dataset and statistics are provided by UNEP World Conservation…

Conserving and Protecting Intact Forest Landscapes
ConservationAn intact forest landscape (IFL) is a seamless mosaic of forest and naturally treeless ecosystems with no remotely detected signs of human activity and a minimum area of 500 km2. (Potapov et al.2017…

Country extinction-risk footprints
Human Impact and PressuresA new study quantified how the consumption habits of people in each country, through trade and supply networks, imperil threatened and near-threatened terrestrial species of amphibians, mammals and…

Diversity of terrestrial ecosystems in protected areas
ConservationTerrestrial Ecosystems in Country and WDPA protected sites. Analysis performed by L. Battistella in February 2021. Original dataset provided by "USGS-TNC" (World Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sayre et al.…

Ecosystem services economic value in Timor Leste
Ecosystem functioning and servicesThis indicator shows economic value of ecosystem services in Timor Leste biomes, estimated through regionalised summary values from the Ecosystem Services Value Database.

Ecosystem services value in Timor Leste - by key informants
Ecosystem functioning and servicesHow much value do ecosystems hold in Timor-Leste? Evaluation by local key informants Stakeholders-informed evaluation of ecosystem services in biomes of Timor-Leste. This evaluation is based on key…

Forest Landscape Integrity Index
Habitats and EcosystemsThe Forest Landscape Integrity Index (FLII) is a composite index created to show the degree of forest integrity for 2019. The authors identified three Forest Integrity categories: “high ”“medium”,…

Forest-related greenhouse gas fluxes
ClimateNet forest-related greenhouses gas flux represents the net exchange of greenhouses gas between forests and the atmosphere between 2001 and 2020. This net flux layer is part of the forest carbon flux…

Geospatial data - MIKE programme I: Designated MIKE sites
ConservationMIKE sites distribution and longevity The CITES Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) Programme has designed a site-based system to monitor trends in the illegal killing of elephants,…

Geospatial Data - MIKE programme III: Illegal Killing (PIKE) in MIKE sites
ConservationMap of the normalised average Percentage of Illegal Killing of Elephants (PIKE) by MIKE sites over the reporting period. The indicator is calculated as the average percentage of illegal killing in…

Geospatial Data - State of NBSAPs publication_2021
ConservationSTATUS OF DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGIES AND ACTION PLANS OR EQUIVALENT INSTRUMENTS (NBSAPS) In the ACP group of states (including South Sudan, an observer at ACP), 73 countries have…

Habitat diversity in protected areas
Habitats and EcosystemsHow important is a given area in terms of habitat diversity and associated species diversity? By identifying distinct habitats in a given area, one can highlight areas supporting a large variety of…

Human pressure potential index in PAs
Human Impact and PressuresIndicator of potential human pressure in and around protected areas derived from indices of forest loss, population and agriculture pressures (DOPA 4.0). This indicator is a proxi for potential human…

Indicator of NBSAPs commitment at mainstreaming biodiversity into sectoral policies
ConservationThe commitment of countries in mainstreaming biodiversity into sectoral policies throughout their post-2010 NBSAPs has been reviewed for 144 countries that have submitted new NBSAPs (by October 2017…

Inland surface water dynamics
Habitats and EcosystemsHow well are we protecting freshwater ecosystems and how strong are anthropogenic changes affecting surface water in a given area? Human pressures are constantly increasing and it is important to…

Institutional support to nature-based tourism
FundingIndicator of Tourism industry supportive institutions and policies (WTTC, mean of the years 2017-19).

International Park fees
FundingThis indicator is based on primary data on average National Park (IUCN category II) fees for international visitors expressed in US dollars calculated at market exchange rates, collected at country…

Irrecoverable Carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesA new paper published in Nature Sustainability mapped the irrecoveral carbon in earth's ecosystems. It shows how manageable, vulnerable and irrecoverable carbon are distributed among ecosystems.…

Land Degradation
Habitats and EcosystemsHumans need increasing amounts of plant biomass for producing food, fodder, fiber and energy. Being able to meet these demands in the long term requires a sustainable use of land and vegetation…

Land Fragmentation
Habitats and EcosystemsIndicator units: Natural (and semi-natural) land fragmentation refers to the reduction of area, the emergence of discontinuities and the isolation of natural land patches within a region of interest…

Mangrove Forests Extent in Protected Areas
ConservationThis dataset shows the Mangrove Forests Protection for the year 2016 and the country mangrove extent for years 1996 and 2016. The dataset is a subset of the global mangrove extent dataset generated…

Megafauna Conservation Index
ConservationThe Megafauna Conservation Index (MCI), developed by researcher led by Peter Lindsey of the University of Pretoria in South Africa, wants to assess the spatial, ecological and financial…

MIKE programme II: Protected areas in MIKE programme
ConservationProtected Areas in MIKE programme All MIKE sites but one overlap with protected areas included in the World Database of Protected Areas (UNEP-WCMC), either entirely or partly. Check the Regional and…

MIKE programme IV: Illegal Killing (PIKE) by protected area
ConservationPercentage of Illegal Killing of Elephants (PIKE) by protected areas in MIKE programme. In the regional and national tabs, maps show the normalised average PIKE over the activity period for each…

MIKE programme V: N of CARCASSES
ConservationTotal number of elephant carcasses reported in MIKE programme over the monitoring period. The global map shows total number of carcasses by MIKE site. The regional and national tabs report aggregated…

Mountain ecosystems in protected areas
Habitats and EcosystemsShare of mountain ecosystems in protected areas. Ecosystems extracted from USGS-TNC World Terrestrial Ecosystems under "mountain" landform category. --- Data Uploaded by Claudia Capitani using the…

Natural Areas Protection Levels
ConservationHow well are different ecosystem types, as indicated by land cover, preserved and how strong are anthropogenic changes affecting their distribution in a given area? Human pressures are constantly…

Nature-based tourism economy indicator by country
FundingNature-based tourism economy indicator This indicator measures sensitivity to pandemic and economic crises affecting international travels and tourism. Nature-based tourism industry is of one of the…

Number of amphibians in country reported threatened by IUCN.
SpeciesSpecies assessed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and documented in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species TM (RLTS) have been used to calculate country summary…

Number of birds in country reported threatened by IUCN.
SpeciesSpecies assessed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and documented in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species TM (RLTS) have been used to calculate country summary…

Number of endemic amphibians
SpeciesIndicator unit: Counting of the number of endemic amphibians at site and country levels. Area of interest: Species lists are generated for each terrestrial and coastal protected area, and are…

Number of endemic birds
SpeciesIndicator unit: Counting of the number of endemic amphibians at site and country levels. Area of interest: Species lists are generated for each terrestrial and coastal protected area, and are…

Number of endemic mammals
SpeciesIndicator unit: Counting of the number of endemic mammals at site and country levels. Area of interest: Species lists are generated for each terrestrial and coastal protected area, and are provided…
Number of IMET assessments by country
ConservationIMET is a Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) tool that allows an in-depth assessment of marine and terrestrial protected areas, regardless of their management categories and governance…

Number of mammals in country reported threatened by IUCN
SpeciesSpecies assessed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and documented in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species TM (RLTS) have been used to calculate country summary…

Number of species in Protected Areas
SpeciesIndicator unit Returns, for each protected area in a country, the number of species (total, near threatened, threatened, endemic, threatened endemic) with range falling within the protected area.…

Oil Palm Extent
Human Impact and PressuresIndustrial and smallholder oil palm plantation data. Oil seed crops, especially oil palm, are among the most rapidly expanding agricultural land uses, and their expansion is known to cause…

Palm oil plantations-Small holdings
Human Impact and PressuresOil seed crops, especially oil palm, are among the most rapidly expanding agricultural land uses, and their expansion is known to cause significant environmental damage. Accordingly, these crops…

Percentage of Indigenous People Lands that are protected
ConservationTerritories and areas that are conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities are called ICCAs that is an abbreviation for the territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local…

Population Pressure Indicator (PPI)
Human Impact and PressuresHow much potential impact may humans living in a protected area have on that protected area and on the habitats, species and ecological processes therein? How much of this potential impact is due to…

Proportion of total land area that is under cultivation
Human Impact and PressuresCropland is land used for the cultivation of crops. Land change from natural/semi natural ecosystems to agriculture is a major driver of biodiversity loss and land degradation. Efficient land use and…

Protected Areas Connectivity (ProtConn)
ConservationHow well connected are the terrestrial protected area systems at the country level? This indicator can be used to assess the degree to which the spatial arrangement of Protected Areas (PAs) is…

Protection Levels of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) by country
ConservationIn which countries are the sites that most contribute to global biodiversity persistence located and how well are these sites covered by protected areas in each country? Safeguarding the Key…

Protection of the West African Manatee
ConservationThe West African Manatee, Trichechus senegalensis, listed as ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, inhabits shallow coastal waters, wetland systems and rivers from Senegal to…

Representativeness of semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems in protected areas
ConservationNumber of terrestrial semi-natural ecosystems protected compared to those existing in each country. Terrestrial Ecosystems in Country and WDPA protected sites. Analysis performed by L. Battistella in…

Representativeness of terrestrial ecosystems in protected areas
Ecosystem functioning and servicesNumber of terrestrial ecosystems protected compared to those existing in each country. Terrestrial Ecosystems in Country and WDPA protected sites. Analysis performed by L. Battistella in February…

Restoring opportunities for ecoregions
ConservationNature Needs Half is one of the approaches proposed to identifying actions supporting the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, focusing on protecting, conserving, restoring and retaining natural…

SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas
ConservationA Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) is defined as a component of a large ecological region that straddles the boundaries of two or more countries encompassing one or more protected areas as well…

Soil organic carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: Amount of carbon stored in the soil (0 to 30 cm depth), expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) per km2. Area of interest: The SOCI has been calculated at the country level, terrestrial…

Species Protection Index
SpeciesSpecies Protection Index (SPI) evaluates the species-level ecological representativeness of each country’s protected area network. It is a measure of the extent to which a country’s protected areas…

Standard Material Transfer Agreements (SMTAs)
ConservationIndicator 15.6.1: Total reported number of Standard Material Transfer Agreements (SMTAs) transferring plant genetic resources for food and agriculture to the country (number). The Contracting Parties…
Tidal Marshes Protection
ConservationResearcher at The University of Cambridge and global environment nonprofit The Nature Conservancy (TNC) have published a 10 m resolution map of Earth’s tidal marshes Tidal marshes are productive…

Time Series - Red List Index
SpeciesExtract from the UN Statistics Division SDG metadata: The Red List Index measures change in aggregate extinction risk across groups of species. It is based on genuine changes in the number of species…

Total carbon
Ecosystem functioning and servicesIndicator unit: Amount of carbon stored in the soil (0 to 30 cm depth), expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) per km2 . Area of interest The SOCI has been calculated at the country level and for all…

Tourism revenue in Protected Areas budget, share
FundingShare of tourism revenue in protecd areas budget. Steven R, Castley JG, Buckley R (2013) Tourism Revenue as a Conservation Tool for Threatened Birds in Protected Areas. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62598. doi:10.…

Tree Cover Change
Habitats and EcosystemsAccording to FAO, since 1990, 420 million hectares of forest have been lost due to human pressure, but the rate of forest loss has declined substantially. Human activities such as agriculture,…

Visitors to protected areas index
FundingWhich protected areas are visited most frequently? Average annual number of visitors to a protected area. Data are currently available for a limited set of sitesand from different sources, published…

Warm-Water Corals Extent
Habitats and EcosystemsThe dataset shows the country's extent of Warm-Water Corals for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The original dataset and statistics are provided by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre…

Warm-Water Corals Protection
ConservationThe dataset shows the country's protection percentage of Warm-Water Corals for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The original dataset and statistics are provided by UNEP World Conservation…

What is the conservation status of the fish stocks?
Human Impact and PressuresA fundamental requirement for productive fisheries is maintenance of the biodiversity that offers natural systems resilience against changing conditions.(FAO, State of World Fishery and Aquaculture…

Wildlife economy potential
SpeciesWhich assets contribute more to the country wildlife economy potential for nature-based tourism? This indicator represents assets contributing to wildlife tourism, such as wildlife-watching species…

Wildlife-watching species richness (grid)
SpeciesWhere can the most iconic safari-wildlife species be found? The grid layer represent a richness index of top wildlife watching species/groups, including Rhinos, Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Buffalo,…
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