Management Plan (2008), Karoo National Park, South Africa
Management Plan (2008), Mountain Zebra National Park, South Africa
Management Plan (2013-2023), Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa
Management Plan (2013-2023), Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa
Trust and hidden conflict in participatory natural resources management: The case of the Pendjari National Park (PNP) in Benin
This paper investigated how and why the issue of trust building between the park direction and the local communities gave way to a hidden conflict in the participatory management of the Pendjari na
Management Plan (2008), Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
Approved management plan (for annexes and updates check:
Community perception of biodiversity conservation within protected areas in Benin
Commitment of local communities to protected areas is essential for conserving biodiversity.
Social structure of lions (Panthera leo) is affected by management in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, Benin
Lion populations have undergone a severe decline in West Africa. As baseline for conservation management, we assessed the group structure of lions in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin.
Willingness-to-pay and the perfect safari: Valuation and cultural evaluation of safari package attributes in the Serengeti and Tanzanian Northern Circuit
Predicted impact of barriers to migration on the Serengeti wildebeest population
The Serengeti wildebeest migration is a rare and spectacular example of a once-common biological phenomenon. A proposed road project threatens to bisect the Serengeti ecosystem and its integrity.
Roads as a threat to the Serengeti ecosystem
In an opinion letter to Nature (September 2010), Dobson et al. (2010) oppose the planned road through northern Tanzania that crosses Serengeti National Park (SNP).